WBCompliance provides a wide range of services to protect your integrity

Interim Management

Temporary assignment to manage a period of transition, change or crisis:

  • Daily management of compliance-related activities in close collaboration with your team(s) of Compliance experts and relevant stakeholders e.g.. execution of the compliance year plan within set budget and in line with the key performance indicators approved by the board.

  • Hands-on management and leadership support in delivering compliance and regulatory-related projects/programs e.g. implementation and development of tailored control framework, specific risk mitigating projects and/or remediation programs.


Specific assignment to support your company in a wide range of areas, including :

  • Identifying, assessing its main compliance risks and defining related risk appetite

  • Designing or tailoring risk prevention, detection and remediation approaches

  • Building up monitoring and quality assurance programs

  • Developing data-driven reporting capabilities

  • Reviewing the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of existing risk management solutions and resources

  • Strengthening governance, organization, policies and procedures development processes

  • Mentoring your compliance leader and managers at time of transition, restructuring or crisis management

Targeted Solutions

Development, co-generation and/or review of material, resources and tools in different domains of Compliance Risk Management e.g. :

  • Defining job profile, job description and contributing to the selection process and build up of successful Compliance teams

  • Designing the company’s compliance program, year plan, monitoring activities, functional oversight methodology

  • Developing and delivering training for the company’s Compliance Officers, internal auditors, relevant staff working in operations and front-office

  • Building operational compliance dashboards along key risk, performance and embedding indicators

  • Shaping culture and ethic-related solutions e.g. monitoring approach to assess the risk culture, dilemma management methodology, tailored Code of Conduct

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